Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I admit sometimes I suffer from heterophobia.

Don’t get me wrong. I haven’t got anything against straight people. Some of my best friends are straight..

I realize a lot of them are very talented writers and musicians—even stand up comedians.

Still I wouldn’t want my lesbian daughter to go out with one.

I might even be seen in public with one. But I admit if I introduced him to one of my friends, I might say, “This is John.” Then behind his back I would point to him and whisper “He’s Straight.”

After all, I don’t want people to think that I’m straight!

It wouldn’t be so bad but all they talk about is sex. What they’re going to do to what body part with what body part. Like the only thing in the world was heterosexual sex. As if the sun rose and set on their reproductive organs.

And what the men say they’re going to do to the other men. And you know they don’t mean it.

Still I think that straight people and gay people should be able to sit down at the same table and have dinner.

Whenever there is a group of people that doesn’t include at least one gay person, it seems to me like there is a spirit missing.


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